I am a dedicated and enthusiastic instructor and my teaching philosophy is grounded in my experience, interests, and passions. In the classroom I value adaptability to student needs, clear communication with consistent review, data driven insights, and a commitment to service and inclusion. My role as an instructor is to inspire students through my academic work and equip them to achieve their personal academic goals, within and beyond our classroom.
Courses offered
University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences
Elective course (Undergraduate and Graduate), University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences, 2024
Leadership, Power, and Inequality is an integrative anthropology course designed for both undergraduate and master’s students. This course delves into the multifaceted realms of leadership, power dynamics, and social inequality, drawing upon insights from cultural and evolutionary anthropology, psychology, political science, sociology, economics, and history.
Graduate course, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences, 2023
The primary objective of RES501 is to provide students with a solid foundation in quantitative research methods and statistical analysis techniques. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand, apply, and critically evaluate statistical methodologies commonly used in social science research. Additionally, the course aims to foster a deep appreciation for the role of data analysis in informing evidence-based decision-making and hypothesis testing.
Graduate course, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences, 2023
The behavioral science of sustainability and environmentalism, with a focus on the interdisciplinary approaches of ecological anthropology, environmental psychology, human geography, and cross-cultural/cross-national variability.
Soochow University, School of Extension Education
Undergraduate course (online), Soochow University, School of Extension Education, 2022
Introductory anthropology course grounded in biological and evolutionary anthropology.
Washington State University, Department of Anthropology
Undergraduate course, Washington State University, Department of Anthropology, 2016
Introductory archaeology course of great archaeological discoveries and the work of archaeologists on our sense of the past.
Lab section, Washington State University, Department of Anthropology, 2013
I was the lab instructor for the Introduction to Physical Anthropology course at WSU for five semesters, which involved two three-hour lab sessions per week. I independently designed a unique lab focused on collaboratively conducting novel biocultural research. This lab included training in scientific methods, research ethics, theory evaluation, statistical analyses in R, and scientific writing. I regularly lectured on specific scientific theories as well as the scientific process. The students and I conducted two novel research projects each semester, which required hands-on, collaborative work.
Undergraduate anthropology courses, Washington State University, Department of Anthropology, 2012
Teaching assistant for ANTH 316 Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective/ANTH 405 Medical Anthropology, Fall 2015; ANTH 203 Peoples of the World, Fall 2013; ANTH 203 Peoples of the World/ANTH 309 Cultural Ecology, Fall 2012. Responsibilities included assisting with course content development, designing evaluation metrics, lecturing, and grading student writing.
Mentoring and advising
I served as the External Examiner for Bashiru Salifu, who earned a Master of Philosophy in Indigenous Studies from the University of Tromsø (June 2020), with an Excellent rating for their thesis, Climate Change Impact and Traditional Coping Mechanisms of Borana Pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia.
While a graduate student at WSU I voluntarily mentored three high-performing undergraduate students, initiating novel research projects with each based on their interests.